Friday, February 19, 2010

It's the Small Stuff....

In life big bang moments come quickly, and the fireworks fade fast from the profound happenings and events that occur in life. But, the everyday small stuff adds to so much more. Big vacations, graduations, and weddings are events that take up the many pages of our photo albums. But, true everlasting joy often comes from the little everyday occurrences that we often take for granted.

We give and receive joy everyday in so many ways that we probably aren't even aware of. Such as reading or coloring with a small child. Sharing a cup of tea with a friend. Watching a movie with an Aunt. Going to church as a family. Helping a friend through a difficult time. Our neighbor dropping off tomatoes from their garden. A surprise note sent with words of encouragement. Snuggling with a sick child. Going for a walk with someone we love. Playing cards with family and friends. Long drives in the fall to see the autumn leaves and stopping to get cider doughnuts. Mom's chicken soup made just for you. Sitting at the kitchen table and sharing a meal with loved ones. Just listening to someone close to you.

We all have special memories that live within our heart and mind. They feed our soul. Although, they aren't captured in photographs, they are the cozy reminders of what is truly important in life. It's the small stuff.

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